Century Homes
Feb 07, 2025 22:46
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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Data Protection (Privacy Policy)

Cookie Policy


PrivacyPolicy and Data Protection for Using this Website https://ch-eu.com

For more information, please read the Terms of Use on this website https://ch-eu.com/

Thank you for visiting the site of ”Century Homes”Ltd!

By visiting this site https://ch-eu.com, you agree to and accept these terms and conditions of use.

Century HomesLtd,in its capacity as a web controller,guarantees to its users that it has taken all necessary measures for personal data protection, in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EC) 2016/679 or also known asGDPR (GeneralData Protection Regulation), adopted by the European Union. The Regulation aims to ensure the data protection of individuals from all EU Member States and to harmonise the regulations for their processing

As a data controller for the provision of real estate brokerage services for sale, renting and letting of properties,”Century Homes”Ltd meets all the requirements of the new regulation by collecting only personal data as necessary for the provision of the service. All data iskept responsibly and legally.

With the privacy policy applied,”Century Homes”Ltd respects the right to privacy and ensures that all necessary efforts are made to protect the personal data of registered users, as wellof anyone who has left their personal data in the enquiry forms.

Contact details: The Company providing services to you through this website https://ch-eu.com is “Century Homes”Ltd,in its capacity as a data administrator, with UIC: 104687201, Registered Office address and trading address: Veliko Tarnovo, 4 Rafael Mihailov Street, 2ndfloor, represented by Kaloyan Sashev Ganev,email: k.ganev@ch-eu.com, tel. +359897964343.

Please read this document carefully. It contains the Privacy Policy of the Users of the Site (The Policy) and constitutes an integral part of the Terms of Use of the Site.

If you do not agree with the Policy, you may not use the Site.

As a real estate broker, “Century Homes”Ltd carries out commercial activity,including intermediation in real estate transactions, requires, keeps and processes personal data of Clients wishing to use the services of ”Century Homes”Ltd and users of the site (Users / Data Subjects), for the purpose of providing services to them.

In the event that you do not wish to provide your personal data, you disagree with our Policy, which means that you may not use the Services of “Century Homes” Ltd.

For the purpose of providing the Services on the site https://ch-eu.comand the mobile version https://m.ch-eu.com, “Century Homes” Ltdwith Registered address: Veliko Tarnovo, 4 Raphael Mihailov Street, 2nd floor, UIC 104687201, stores and processes data of individuals (Data Subjects) as well as the results of such data processing in accordance with this Policy.

1. “Century Homes” Ltdcollects, stores and processes data from individuals (Data Subjects) as follows:

          1.1. Clients - Users of the Website;

          1.2. Users -  with initial enquiries (by phone or using one of the contact forms of the site);
          1.3. Users who have sent correspondence to“Century Homes” Ltd.
          1.4. Clients wishing to use the services of”Century Homes “ Ltd.


2. Information you provide to us as a User:

        2.1. You may use the Services provided through the Site by using the contact forms of ”Century Homes” Ltd, where we clearly indicate the mandatory fields for the provision of personal data without which we are unable to provide our Services - these are name, telephone number, email address.

        2.2. "Century Homes" Ltd. stores and processes information about personal data entered through the contact forms on the site, by phone calls or by sending e-mail correspondence.
       2.3. “Century Homes” Ltd. stores and processes the User email address information received through the Subscription form on the Site where the User (Data Subject) has the ability to subscribe to receive emails (Notifications) for new and updated advertisements (real estate offers), according to selected search criteria.
The user can unsubscribe by clicking on the end button that is available in each received e-mail by calling +35962652121 every working  day from 09:00 to 18:00 or by using the basic contact form for the site's office or at email: info@ch-eu.com.

       2.4. The site allows the User to retain selected ads (offers and requests for real estate properties) that can be easily viewed later in the” My Century  Homes” page.  “My Century Homes“ is only for  personal use, and you can add or delete added ads at any time.
Regarding  this function,”Century Homes” Ltd. stores information about ”cookies“.
    2.5. The site collect  information about previous User searches as well as previously viewed ads. In these cases,” Century Homes” Ltd uses “cookies” to show you quick links to repeat searches you've already made and viewed.
More “cookies” information can be found below in /Cookie Policy/.
  3. Subjects of collecting, storing and processing personal data of the User
"Century Homes" Ltd. uses the personal data of the clients mainly for the purpose of making a contactduring the process of providing the services we offer. Also, customer information is used to register them in our database, where we store their specific requirements and needs. "Century Homes" Ltd uses the information to inform customers about new services and products we offer:

3.1. Providing user information for real estate properties and related information services,
3.2. Contracts for idifferent services:

  • Real Estate Sale Contract
  • Contract for real estate property purchase
  • Contract for letting a property.
  • Contract for rental of real estate property

3.3 Viewing a property and  information as follows:

  • Property Viewing Protocol
  • Protocol for property information

3.4. To receive and process received offers, warnings, complaints, requests and other correspondence;
3.5. To fulfill legal obligations relating to the requirements for storing or providing information in connection with disposition by competent state or judicial authorities
 4. What Personal Information wecollect - As mentioned above, there are several ways to collect customer information. Customers provide personal information such as name, phone number,

e-mail, and address. Providing all information is not mandatory, however, at least name and phone number are required. Customers can provide information by signing up for our website, visit our office, or contacting us by phone.
“Century Homes” Ltdguarantee the same level of protection of personal information and the contents of the received emails and correspondence by phone.

4.1. In connection with its main activity,” Century Homes”Ltd collects information related to searching /offering properties and the agents and administrators of”Century Homes”Ltd transferdata, submitted by Users,to the corporate database as follows:
4.1.1.When you search for a  property: name, telephone, e-mail
4.1.2.When you offer a property for sale: name, telephone, owner’s e-mail, property address, sale price or monthly rent;
4.1.3.In concluding Intermediation Contracts: name, telephone, e-mail, permanent address, ID card number, personal identification number;
4.1.4. To conduct real estate surveys and provide real estate information: name, telephone, e-mail, permanent address, ID card number, personal identification number;
4.1.5. To document contractual relations, (through the conclusion of Preliminary contracts for the purchase and sale of real estate properties under Article 19 of the LLC, Rental Contracts, Warranty Contracts, Deposit Agreements, Agreements, Different Types of Annexes and other documents on the trade activity of "Century  Homes" Ltd.): name, telephone, e-mail, permanent address, ID card number, personal identification number;
4.1.6. When looking at job applications: names of candidates, telephone, e-mail contact, CV data;
4.1.7.For personnel purposes and accounting activity: name, telephone, e-mail, permanent address, ID card number, personal identification number;

5. Time limits for storing information and personal data

5.1. Registration data (such as name, surname, e-mail address) and IP address - are stored without a fixed term until they are deleted by you

5.2. Subscriptions for receiving ads with selected criteria - for the subscription period until its termination. Subscription can be terminated at any time.

5.3. Quick searches and last viewed offers - until they are deleted by you.

5.4. “Cookies” - until they are deleted by you or within 12 months of your last use of the Site.

5.5. System logs (may contain information such as date and time, IP address, URL, browser and device version information) for up to 1 year.

5.6. Backup copies - up to 30 days.

5.7. Correspondence, complaints and warnings, requests, incl. by e-mail - for up to 3 years.

5.8. CVs and related documents of applicants for work at ”Century Homes” Ltd. - within 1 month of their submission.

5.9. Business Agreements, including Mediation Agreements - up to 3 years.

5.10. These deadlines may be modified, as required by applicable law.

5.11. When resolving disputes and litigation, data may be retained for longer than the specified deadlines - until a final settlement of the dispute and court proceedings.

6. Providing information

6.1. "Century Homes" Ltd. shall not, on any occasion, disclose to third parties, information constituting personal data to consumers except with their explicit consent and in the case provided for by law.

 7. Your rights regarding the personal data you have provided to”Century Homes”  Ltd

7.1. Consumers have a legal right to request details of the personal information we hold about them.”CenturyHomes“Ltd allows you to keep your personal information accurate and current. At any time, you may want "Century Homes" Ltd. to correct, delete or restrict the processing of your personal data. You may want to receive confirmation that your personal data is being processed by “Century Homes” Ltd as well as access to amend your personal data, exercise your right to data portability or withdraw your consent to the storage and processing of your personal data.

7.2. In the above cases, you must make a request through the main form of contact with the office of the site or at info@ch-eu.com

7.3. Upon receipt of a request for the deletion of personal data or an objection to their storage and handling by”Century Homes” Ltd, we will review your request and, if warranted, will do so. If we believe that there are convincing legal grounds for the storage and processing of your personal data or that these actions are necessary to protect our rights, we will inform you accordingly.

8. Protecting the privacy of children

8.1. This website is not intended for children. We understand the importance of protecting information about children, especially in the online environment, and we have no policy of deliberately collecting or maintaining information about people under the age of 18.

9. Continuity of confidentiality and protection of personal data

9.1.”Century Homes” Ltd undertakes to observe and implement the confidentiality and information protection measures continuously as part of their activity.

9.2. If necessary, “Century Homes” Ltd may change the Privacy Policy. If changes are made to this statement, please note that it may take up to 30 days for new privacy practices to be introduced. In this case, any changes to the confidentiality and protection of personal data will be reflected in this document. Check this page if you want to monitor the changes.

10. Security

10.1.”Century  Homes” Ltd. works to protect the privacy and security of all information we receive about you in the course of our business, the information is stored on secure servers, and we have taken a wide range of technical and organizational measures that are appropriate and necessary to protect your personal data, including accidental or unlawful loss, access or disclosure; to identify reasonably foreseeable network security risks and to minimize security risks, including risk assessment and routine testing.

Personal data is only accessible by authorized persons who need access to perform their work in connection with the provision of our services that have received the relevant training and are obliged to treat the information as confidential in compliance with the principles of legality, good faith, confidentiality and accuracy.

We do not provide your personal data to third parties without a legal or contractual basis, we do not sell them or distribute them.

11. Data Protection Officer

For queries and requests regarding your rights to the protection of your personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer of “Century Homes” Ltd at: Veliko Tarnovo, 4 Rafail Mihailov Str., Email: customercare@ch-eu.com


For exercising your rights as well as for personal data protection issues, you may contact the Supervisory Authority - the Personal Data Protection Commission as follows:

Address: Sofia 1592,  2 TsvetanLazarov Blvd.

Tel. +359 2 915 3580 Fax +359 2 915 3525

Email: kzld@cpdp.bg

Website: http://www.cpdp.bg/


Cookie Policy on the Web site of "Century Homes" Ltd. - https://ch-eu.com

In order for the site of "Century Homes" Ltd. - https://ch-eu.com to work correctly and to make your experience browsing our site as pleasant as possible, we use cookies.

By cookies, we understand your location and show you a selected selection of property and video from your location (if any) on your home page.

By visiting our site, pop-up opens, warning you that we use cookies, and if you continue to use the website, we accept that you agree to this policy.

 1. What are ”cookies”?

“Cookies”in English are small text files that are sent from websites that you visit to your computer or visitor's device. The purpose of these small files is to collect information about the use of the site by the user in order to identify and improve the functionality of the site. Through this type the visitor cannot be personally identified. The information that collects cookies most often includes:

  • Internet Protocol (IP) address of the device from which the visitor accesses the platform;
  • the type of device visitor uses toaccess the site; (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.)
  • type of operating system;
  • browser type;
  • actions taken by users - pages visited, the frequency of visits to the website;
  • the length of stay on a page, etc.

2. The types of cookies we use are mandatory and analytical.

2.1. Essential ”cookies” - they are necessary to enable the website to perform its functions properly. Thanks to these cookies, we show you, for example, the information on our site in your language; you have the opportunity to write us via our chat; authenticating our users and others.

2.2. Analytical “Cookies” - Third Party ”Cookies”

Google Analytics cookies

We use this cookie to track attendance on our site. According to them, we analyze how well our users are working with our site, what our target group is, and how many visits we receive per day. These cookies do not give us general information about all visitors, but they do not disclose your personal information. The maximum period we keep analytical data in Google Analytics is 50 months.

2.3. Precision Target ”Cookies” - Advertising Partners

Facebook and Google

We use these cookies because they give us information about how you used our site and that our ads can be triggered according to the content you viewed. They do not store your personal data.

2.4. Performance and functionality “cookies”

These cookies are not strictly necessary but allow us to personalize your online experience with our websites. We use these cookies for example:

  • To save information about your preferences so that you do not have to enter information that you have already provided (for example, when entering your data to access our services);
  • To gather information about the wayusers use our services so that we can improve our Site and our Services and conduct market research (for example, information about popular pages, viewing habits, number of clicks, sharing, article likes, last visited pages, vote on comments).

2.5. Ad ”Cookies”

We use these cookies for example:

  • To get information on how you use our websites, such as pages you visit, or how you respond to ads, to provide you with ads that are tailored to you;
  • To determine which are the most popular parts of our Sites;
  • To monitor the use of our services and our Sites (frequency and time);
  • To determine how often you and other users visit our Sites;
  • To conduct surveys so that your interaction with our Sites and ourselves can be improved.

Often, these cookies aim to deliver ads that are tailored to you - both on our sites and outside of them. These types of ads are known as "interest-based advertising." Many of these types of cookies belong to our service providers.

2.6. Session”Cookies”

We may also use session cookies, for example:

  • To allow you to navigate between individual pages of our Site without having to log in again. This practice is known as "single sign-on";
  • To recognize you when you return to our Site to use our services;
  • To keep the answers on a filled in questionnaire form (you do not have to fill out the questionnaire repeatedly).

2.7. Third-party cookies:

We also use third-party cookies as part of our services. These cookies are managed by different sites and are not controlled by us. Below are third-party cookies we use, some of which can be turned off using the general settings of your browser. For others, visit the relevant sites and follow the instructions provided.

Google Analytics - to generate traffic statistics for traffic sites and traffic sources, as well as for conversion of measures and sales - to opt out click here

Web Services we use:

Google Analytics and Google AdWords:

Web Services offered by Google, Inc. ("Google").

This website uses the Google Analytics and Google AdWords web services.

Both web service platforms work through files called cookies. You can set up your browser to prevent cookies from being saved. Please keep in mind that if you set up your site not to collect and send cookies, you may not be able to use all of the features on this site.

Google Analytics is used to compile visitor statistics on our site.

Google AdWords (you can change your settings and not show you ads from here!) Provides remarketing and behavioral targeting services to us.

Over the last months, Google has taken significant steps to ensure security with GDPR-based LD traffic so we can continue to use the platform under the new rules that were introduced on 25.05.2018. Under the European Economic Area Agreement, Google has taken a number of measures to comply with the directive in force.

Facebook and Instagram

This site uses Pixel and cookies linked to the social network facebook.com and Instagram. The two platforms are owned by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.

When you log in through Facebook on our site, it reflects this activity and gives us statistics on the visits from both platforms on our site. We use Facebook & Instagram Remarketing to show you our ads of products you've viewed on this site. When you sign in from our site to both platforms, you may be required to sign in if you have not done so automatically. Please keep in mind that we are not responsible if a malicious program somehow understands and steals your password for social networks. Make sure you visit the social networking platform and not any malicious site. By signing up to the social platform, we inform you that you have visited our site or website. To protect your rights when using one or both platforms, contact Facebook Inc.

2.8. How to delete cookies?

You can choose whether to accept the cookies or not. If you want to know when your computer gets a cookie, you can set up your browser so that it notifies you about it. This allows you to accept or reject a cookie. Your computer may be set to reject all cookies. If you want to know how to do this, visit: aboutcookies.org. Please, note that changes to your browser disabling “cookie “will prevent portions of our Sites from functioning properly, including” login” and” playback” option. You can learn more about this here

2.9. Changes to our“cookie”policy

Any future changes to our “Cookie” Policy will be posted on this page. If necessary, we will notify you of any email changes in accordance with the terms and conditions. All changes will take effect immediately, except for existing customers for which these changes will take effect 30 days after their publication, unless otherwise stated.

2.10. The information gathered with cookies cannot be associated with a particular person. By using this Site, you agree to the use of “cookies”.

Please note that if cookies are disabled, certain functional features of the Site may be affected.


If you have any questions regarding the”Cookie” Policy, please, email us at:


Date of publication: 25.02.2019


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Two-storey house to renovate in a well-developed village of Obedinenie
House € 11 500
Location: Polski Trymbesh

Spacious apartment for rent in the center of Veliko Tarnovo
Apartment € 440
Location: Veliko Tarnovo

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