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Manoya Village
Manoya is small village settled in mountain area north from Stara Planina in Nort Central region. The terrain is diverse: high hills, deep vales, low rises. The village is settled on a hilly area. There are a few gullies. The highest peak in the village are is Minyoh hill - 580 m. which is 2 km away from it. To the East from Manoya there is Kilifarevo, to the West there is village Kosarka, north/east - Debelecq south - Yalovo and Runya villages.
The village is set on a road connecting village Sokolovo and the town of Kilifarevo. It is also connected with Debelc town by asphalt road and with the villages Yalovo and Runya by offroad.
The village Manoya is founded 400 years ago. Before that the whole area was forest. At the begining of XVII century the old man Manoy from Lovni Dol village went to Gorna Oryahovitsa on an old Ottoman road to sell oxes but he lost them in the forests. He searched the forest whole day to find them. At the evening he found them near a sping - today it is called Genyov Geran. He liked the place and he decided to move there with his three sons and their families. Today the kin of Manoy is called Chengovi. Their home is near the spring.
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Renovated 3-bedroom house with internal and external staircase, and stone outbuildings in the village of Stefan Stambolovo
House € 59 900
Location: Polski Trymbesh

Completely finished shop in a trade center, in the central part of Veliko Tarnovo
Shop / Retail € 125
Location: Veliko Tarnovo

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