Samovodene Village

The village of Samovodene (Municipality Veliko Turnovo) is located in North-Central Bulgaria, 10km away from the town of Veliko Turnovo, 31 km from the town of Pavlikeni and 10 km from the town of Gorna Oryahovitsa. Near the village is the spring of Rakovets river. The village is situated between hills of Kobilitsa and Byalata prast.
In the land of Samovodene was found a settlement from the early Neolithic (6000 BC) - a remarkable open house with an area exceeding to 120 sq.m. where is studied an unique religious complex, consisting of a religious building, religious cult pit and shaft with a radius of 1.80 m and 12.80 m depth. Another finding was phenomenal pictorial image of a young girl on the wall of ceramic vessel aged 8400 years, so skillfully modeled that out of the middle of undisturbed by later building activities layer could be classified in the classical period of antiquity. This proves the existence of division of labor in craft skills at an early Neolithic. In the village there is a private ethnographical museum of Maslyankovi & Sons which occupies an area of 500 sq.m.
Post Code: 5040
Phone Code: 06112