Fireplaces, Stoves, Heating: What To Choose? |
Initially, experts are divided fireplaces in the way of supplying heat. Based on this characteristic, we can distinguish two types of focus: Some fireplaces emit convection energy, while others – radiation. Convective energy is generated by the heated air from the fire, and radiation emission occurs from the heated array focus. Depending on the heat produced two types of fireplaces. The first group includes seats, giving the radiation beam, these are fireplaces with open fires, the second one – centers, room heating convection way, they can be attributed model heaters with a metal firebox. Fireplaces should be divided into groups by type of material that is meant for the heating room.
As bricks heat accumulates better than metal. Metal heats quickly housing, but it does not hold heat for long. Therefore, when choosing a home for large spaces is better to give preference to homes, made from traditional materials, it is, for example, the classic brick fireplace.
It is very important when choosing a heating system thoroughly to understand the particular device design. It affects their future quality operation.
Standard fireplace consists of a firebox, chimney and portal. It does not grate, so the fuel combustion takes place directly at the bottom of the hearth.
The furnace is the most important part of the fireplace as it burns fuel. Typically, the furnace made of refractory materials, which include fireclay bricks, and iron. Posterior wall of the fuel cell is installed at a slight slant to better reflect the heat into the room.
Chimney – a design that is responsible for removing hot gases and combustion gases in the atmosphere. This system is best done from corrosion and heat-resistant materials. In recent years, preference is given to the chimney, produced from metal, concrete or ceramic. Such chimneys are less clogged and clean them better.
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